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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Sania & Shoaib

Should she marry him? Or should she not?

Is he a good guy? Is she a good girl?

Is he actually married? Is he breaking some law by getting married to Sania?

So many TV reports, blogs, funny and not-so-funny letters circulating on the internet. So what do I think of the whole thing?


I don't give a damn. Two people marrying is their personal decision and not worthy of my attention.


  1. hahahhahaha......this was one hilariously nasty post.

  2. moreover i think both of them became famous because of their so called 'controversial marriage' more than they were in their respective sports fields.....

  3. Copy+Paste DVB.

    This is yet another incident highlighting the shallowness of our all-powerful, all-knowing, honest-and-transparent media, which on almost every issue takes its own stand, and beats the other side like anything, without giving any logical reason.. Unfortunately, most of us (the educated, english-speaking youth) fall into their traps and make our opinions based on the image created by the media ..

    If someone asks me to describe Indian media, I will use a phrase from a Marathi play "Nakalat Sare Ghadale" (used in a diff. context)..... : "Verbal Diarrhea and Intellectual Constipation"......... :)

  4. they are jus tryin 2 attract eye-balls and v people are even giving them attention....
    let them marry peacefuuly..........

  5. agreed....
    i ges she shd marry him....she'll atleast endup hitting right balls :p

  6. very true...what the hell we have to about it
