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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two chocolates

"Two chocolates, uncle!"
A hand holding a tattered rupee note appeared from the other side of the counter.

Baniya ji (Baniya: A grocer. In the wake of shopping malls and their patrons, this species may soon join the league of dinosaurs and dodos.) walked out slowly and pulled out the bottle containing small round chocolates. The chocolates were unwrapped and had bright colours. Baniya ji began opening the lid which creaked with every turn. He pulled out two chocolates which looked particularly tiny in his huge hand.

"No! I want the yellow ones."

Baniya ji frowned and dug his hand deeper. He placed one yellow and one blue chocolate on the pale wooden counter.

"One more yellow chocolate, Baniya ji."

"You kids are pampered for choice! We never had chocolates in our times. Take them yourself." Baniya ji almost banged the bottle and went back to the chair where he had been sitting and flipped open the newspaper.

A tiny hand dug deep into the bottle. There was hardly any room but the little boy continued hunting for the chocolate he wanted. He pulled out one. The blue chocolate did not seem to impress him and he went for another chocolate.

Baniya ji did not even notice the boy jumping out of his shop - triumphant to have found two yellow chocolates - just the way he wanted them.

Some things that mean nothing to you could mean the world to someone else. Respect the differences.


  1. could relate to it totally.....
    while cleaning my closet i still find things tht were "jaan se bhi pyaari" but were nothing but a piece of junk for everyone else.....nahi taakvat ashya goshti ajun ;)

    absolutely loved the post :)

  2. put a like button here :) loved this one

  3. Respect the differences... ya thats all what i want to say.

  4. amazing... it is indeed a fact... it also reflects how an innocent kid looks at the world.. he has yet been exposed to a small part of it and finds pleasure in small things...
    ya and its absolutely true that different people look at things in a very different perspective...
    overall this is a very good thought and has been written wonderfully :)

  5. The last sentence is amazing...we generally end up messing up relationships coz we fail to respect the differences...

  6. subhashish mandal27 June 2011 at 7:54 pm

    many times we should celebrate those differences...but in the rush of today and now...

    they become inconvenience...

    in time what we respect becomes extensions of what we like and understand..

    than not....till we like the same yellow choclates.
