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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Characters alive

Disclaimer: Completely fictitious

The magic dust casts its spell on the books in your bookshelf and the characters come alive.

Here you are at a party, a first for you, with these characters around you. You see a Monk who parked his Ferrari outside just before coming in. He had sold his Ferrari - but brought it back from the money he earned after the whooping sales of the book. ( * grin *) There is Harry Potter and his band of friends and foes. The call center employees, Vroom and company are making a lot of noise arguing with the bartender over drinks. There are two Afghan men, tall and well-built standing in a corner sipping on some iced tea. They are step-brothers.

The party is on. You are standing amidst people who you've seen yet not seen. You are among people you have, at some point in time, come across while many of them are strangers.

As the characters in the books come alive and sway their hips around you, you watch... awe-struck.. overwhelmed...

Maybe they should've stayed in the books. Or perhaps, it was time they came alive - their lives, their lessons mixed with yours...

References made in the post are to characters from 'Monk who sold..', 'Harry Potter', 'One night @ Call center', 'Kite runner'.

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