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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Monday, December 01, 2008

Resilient or shameless

When crisis strikes, one often wonders what to brand oneself as.

Resilient enough to take any blow that comes our way.

Or shameless to be stripped of one's ego staring at the adversity stark naked. And smiling - because you think you are brave.

When a failure struck me, I did not feel anything more than a jolt. Was it resilience? My strength to absorb shock? Or was it just that I had become shameless? Oblivious and indolent to things that should otherwise affect me?

I am Aaditya. I am Mumbai.

Both of us are trying to figure out what we are - resilient or shameless.


  1. Resilient I guess... I would have kicked asses, otherwise !! Me brave Me !!

    Kidding.. good point !

  2. Resilient I guess.. I would have kicked arses, otherwise !

    kidding... good point !
