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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Sunday, February 22, 2009

If Slumdog makes it...

If 'A R Rahman' wins the Oscar today, it would be the achievement of a distinguished music prodigy. If any of the actors from 'Slumdog Millionaire' who have been nominated make it, it would be their achievement as actors.

However, if 'Slumdog' wins the Oscar for the Best Feature Film today, it would mean the reaffirmation of the image that India has before the world - the image of a third world country infested by poverty and religious intolerance.

If 'Slumdog' wins the Oscar today, it would be the victory of the sadistic humanism that a section of the world likes to experience by taking snaps with the beggars feeding each other on the railway platforms.

Yes, 'Slumdog...' emerges from that feeling alone, the feeling of 'feeling blessed; look how the other countries are' that seems to have caught on.

And if 'Slumdog' wins the Oscar today, I would be among the sections of Indians who would feel sad.


  1. Yes, I agree with you that people in the developed countries have that sadistic humanism. They are the people who have that self proclaimed authority to make this world a better place. They think that they are the only 'civilized' people and others of course are 'barbarians'.
    But when I see movies like 'Slumdog' I just cannot say that whatever I'm watching now is not the real, or it is exaggerated.
    It is happening everywhere around me.
    Also we are trying to hide our true face from ourselves only.
    Definitely India got two faces one is 'Slumdog' and other is 'India shining'. As we ask to them why they want to portray our first image and not the second one, we also must ask to ourselves why we want to see our second image and just deliberately or forcefully ignoring the first one.

  2. hey it s true ..

    at the same time .. we are proud of his work .. and whatever he has achieved as of date in the field of music is purely his sheer brilliance,humble, faith, honesty and quality ..

    Congrats to AR Rahman for grabbing two prestigious Awards n the music category.

  3. so true!! so true !!
    its as if my sentiments have been echoed...!!

    ne awards wud hv done... BUT the vest feature film ! :(


  4. I have views similar to that of aaditya... but I have something more to add as an observation.

    Slumdog when considered as an independent individual unit called 'MOVIE', the efforts are truly appreciable overall. The Direction, The music, the plot everything appeals.
    But, There is a big big big BUT attached to that movie considering the sentiments of us all as a unit called INDIAN . That's the point where tides are high at one side and low at other. We, as a proud Indian(Which we Must be), would never be able to appreciate such efforts simply because we know our country is not actually like that. Its much more happier and beautiful and advanced and honored than what is shown. Its my personal claim that if the country shown in the movie would have been named Sri Lanka(For example) instead of India and locations would have been that of Colombo instead of Mumbai, We all would have reacted Quite Differently . What say u addy!!!

  5. Well nobody can take the face off from a Truth that still prevails in the country... Infact Danny has portrayed that in an informative manner.... Don't you think he gave it an outlook of Rising from the Slum too!! I believe one should be more happy than Sad!!
