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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A City, its lovers and the terrorists

As a helicopter cut through the smoke that engulfed the sky, the waves of the Arabian Sea splashed harder.

The sea was trying its best to calm the city down. The city that was crying out of the assault being made on her...

Several decades ago, a movement took shape when a group of its lovers called for its inclusion in the state of Maharashtra. When it was, the city danced with joy and rose like a bird in flight.

There were floods, bomb blasts and there was this never-before terrorist attack.

My Mumbai will rise and come out stronger. It will remember ATS chief Hemant Karkare and others who fought like brave warriors.

The City that the terrorists tried to burn will now glow instead. With the love of its lovers...

Prayers for the people who lost their lives....

1 comment:

  1. I still think an average citizen shudnt break his head over the governments incompetence...all that a citizen can do is behave himself and prove that his love for the country is evident by the way he treats his streets, the public places. lets be more responsible, spread the word of civility...tell our father/mother/uncle/aunty who so ever without fear to not take the easy way out of ne situation...our cities, our neighborhoods are all tht v owe...keep them sound and at par with a place v always dream of...its only through mutual respect we can form a team to take on bigger challenges...all i see are remote and few voices against the terror attacks...v cant make a point like that..
