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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Suicide note

"Dear All,

I don't know why I am alive. I am in a field I never wanted to be in. My mother was my support until now. She scolds me continously now. I have no one to live for. I don't want to live...

Good bye all. I love you mom-dad.


He folded the paper and kept it on his table under the wooden pen-stand which his friend Nishi had gifted him.

His mother was out. She was at a counsellor's clinic seeking advice for her son who she had observed, was feeling depressed. She was worried herself.

A friend was trying to call him to invite him for his birthday party.

A new job opportunity was on its way for him...


Next time you want to hit the 'Stop' button, please remember that something good could very well be on its way. You could miss out on it due to one hasty decision...

1 comment:

  1. Yes i completely agree to it.

    Acc. to me the decision making strongly depends on attitude towards things.. It takes a long term of negative thinking to reach at a 'Stop' point in life..

    Anyway, the bottom line for it is to look at the glass 'half full' instead of 'half empty'..No matter what the situations are..
