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Monday, June 08, 2009

Reservation in history

From government offices to schools to private sectors, reservation is present everywhere and I wouldn't be surprised if a new proverb comes into use 'Reservation is everywhere' on the lines of 'God is everywhere'.

In fact, a friend of mine is very scared of reservation especially after he was denied admission in an engineering college and a person half his percentage got in easily. He is so scared that he gets wet palms when he has to ask for train reservation too. He has become a 'reserved' fellow you see.

Now, the reservation has entered a new realm - the realm of history. There are people who want reservation in history too. There are people who say that all the history attributable to a historical figure (who is held dearly by people of Maharashtra, India.) is the property of their community and hence, the entire credit of the historical figure's achievements should come to them.

They have gone to the extent of pressurizing the authorities to delete this historical Chhatrapati's guru's name from the school history textbooks - the only fault of the poor guru is that he did not belong to their community.

With reservation all over present India, now it's all set to capture India's past too...


  1. Hey Aditya,
    Do you think that History has not been doctored at all in the past ? Think again ! Just that this community dimension 'looks' new.

    And this paranoid about reservation is going to remain for an individual. (You talk about 50% and I have gone through 69% !!). It is required from a social perspective for this country, but as an inexperienced individual, yet to understand the bigger picture, it could well cause traumas.
    Reservation might be required, but none is ready to understand if the current format is doing good or not. And the government is not going to understand about implementations mishaps and after-effects, for they are afraid to do even an analysis for the fear of losing vote banks.

  2. reservation in history, too good aditya!
