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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The End of a Hibernation

A fang appears from the perfectly-made round bore in the soil. A bore that was made in a way that not a ray of light could enter. With the support of the fang, the crab pulls itself out.

Its pace is a bit sluggish. It moves rather oddly and extremely slowly. But within no time, the crab begins to run - very weirdly, diagonally.

The crab had been in hibernation for long. Now, it has woken up. It wants to get back to the routine life as soon as possible...


To all the crabs who went into hibernation - due to a broken heart or a professional failure; as per a self-dawned idea or a 'friendly' advice by someone,

Let's get out of the hibernation. Let's wake up and bounce back in life. There are joys waiting for us out there...

Let's pull ourselves out of the bore that we dug for ourselves...


  1. Hmm. "as per a self-dawned idea or a 'friendly' advice by someone"... this is indeed true. thr hasnt been any thing yet which will cause people to go into hibernation. It is rightly said by someone "Slowdown is in the minds of the people" (in Indian context). We all can, together, stop the thought from being real. Hope few hav woken up till now.

  2. Heyy dude

    Nice post yaar
    Right now I m also in hibernation. Really helpful for me :)

  3. I have but one word for you and your writings - gifted. I have met few of your age who can comprehend the depth of existence as well as you.
    Bravo! Keep writing

    R. Chitkar

  4. I have but one word for you and your writings - gifted. I have met few of your age who can comprehend the depth of existence as well as you.
    Bravo! Keep writing

    R. Chitkar
