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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Sunday, December 09, 2007

I was a small plant - Poem

One phone call can set you thinking. We received a phone call in 2005 informing us of the demise of a relative who had stayed in the US for the last fifteen years.

And there I saw his friends and relatives cry for him - they had not met him for over ten years. You certainly make a difference to the people who care.

Here is the poem that I wrote for him.

I was just a small plant
born in lush-green valleys
besides a golden river and mountains
covered by the blue sky above

I was just a small plant
seeking solace under the trees
growing with others like me
now bearing flowers so beautiful

I was just a small plant
fluttering in the wind
welcoming the rains when they came
smiling at the storms as well

I was just a small plant
filling the air with my fragrance
dancing with the bees and the birds
glittering with the dewdrops resting on me.

I was just a small plant
with my happy World around me
I was just a small plant..
who withered away one day

As I lay on the earth dry and motionless
the bees went about searching for the dancing me
the dewdrops collapsed to the ground
the winds and the rains went numb
the terrified trees shed their leaves for me

So what if I was just a small plant??
They had done all this just for me, the small plant…

-Aaditya Joshi


  1. every one is important. we need to learn the art of empathy.

    a tree that fruits. or the fruit that is pecked by birds.

    just that we need to understand that all feel the need for love. the need for warmth.

    nature doesnt differentiate, but man does.

  2. Nice poem Aadi....!!!

    here i would just like to present a few lines....

    " What if i don't get the quietest shade of the trees,

    What if i don't get the brightest ray of the sunshine,

    What if i don't get the naughtiest of the wind whirling around me,

    What if i don't get the coolest of all the shower-spells,

    What if i don't get the most innocent dew drops resting on me,

    What if i don't get the most beautiful of the butterflies and bees humming around me,

    No matter if i don't get the most and the best of everything,
    What I long for is just a moment of CARE.......!!!"

