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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Friday, September 05, 2008

Dear Teacher, with Love

Dear Teacher,

When I cried my eyes out in the school bus on the first day to school, you hugged me and calmed me down. You taught me the first alphabet in different languages. You introduced to me the etiquette of "Hello", "thanks" and "Sorry". You introduced me to the battle of Plassey and the Newtonian laws.

You instilled in me the drive that I could achieve a task. You, at times, instigated me to make my point. Often, you showed trust in me and were my strength.

You were the idol I looked up to. You came to me in different forms - you came to me as my mother, my friend, my confidante and my critic. You all were my teachers.

A teacher is beyond age, beyond gender, beyond physical form. A teacher is an incident, a teacher is an adverse situation, my mother is my teacher.

Dear teachers, thank you for teaching me the laws of the world. The ones in and out of books.

With love,

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