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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Sunday, December 09, 2007

I love you - Poem

in the darkness of broad daylight
I have seen some shadows familiar
I have seen you in their faces
In their smiles I have seen you…

In the echoes of cooing cuckoos
In the whispers of a starry night
I have heard you in the sound of a flowing river
In the rustling clouds I have heard you

In the softness of rose petals of the morning
In the warm drop of blood out of pricked thorns
I have felt you hug me when I trembled with fear
Dancing with me in my success, I have felt you…

I have danced with you, I have walked with you..
I have smiled with you, I have lived with you …
I have felt you, I have breathed you…
In every passing moment that I passed with you.
In my heart I have worshipped you…
I have glowed in your light and your energy…

When you brought light to my life, why were the shadows so dark?
When the shadows were so dark, why could I see you in them?

When you smiled at me, who says I didn’t feel like hugging you?
When you hugged me, who says I didn’t hug you back?
Who says I am unlucky...
Who says I didn’t get you…
You’ve lived with me all through the years
And forever you will stay…

-Aaditya Joshi

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the poem and the way u have conveyed your emotions...!!!

    good work aadi....!!!

    u r gradually turning out to be a fantastic creative writer....!!!

