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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Cursed Warrior

He was born with the valour of the Sun who was actually his father. He was blessed with armour and earrings that would protect him from all assaults.

He was a dutiful son who lived in a humble abode with his parents. He was a brave boy with the dreams of being a warrior in his eyes. He promised his friend that he would help him with a battle he was fighting. He stood by him always.

He was Karna. He was a warrior. A cursed warrior.

When he expressed his wish to learn archery to the royal sage, he was turned down for he did not belong to Kshatriyas. When he stood by his friend Duryodhan, he was again reminded of his caste.

He still stood by his word and decided to protect Duryodhan and offer him any help that he would need - only to be told a secret that no one knew. He was the brother of Pandavas, the five men he was fighting against. He knew that a man's word was his duty and he followed it with all his dedication.

His protective shield was taken away from him by a God dressed as a beggar. He was on the battlefield when the wheel of the chariot got stuck in the mud.

The brave warrior, the true friend, the dedicated student, a man of words was shot by an arrow as he bent down to pull the wheel out.

Tragedies strike like the lightening. You have absolutely no say about it...