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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Hundred and One

Dear Mirror,
As I speak to you for the hundred and first time, I remember the day I saw you before my eyes - all thanks to Harish. When I saw you, I wondered - was it you or was it me myself.

I fail to understand what the difference is, between this mirror, the reflection it shows and the person itself. In this case, the three are now incomplete without each other.

The mirror opened a new mode of expression for me. I was so happy that I could now decide what the reflection showed. I could decide what I looked like in the reflection. Whether I was a mighty lion or a brave warrior or a frail creature.

As time passed, I got to know - that the reflection was changing me. I was not controlling what my reflection said, the reflection was teaching me a great deal of things.

And the learning procedure continued post after post. The reflection in the mirror started becoming clearer - and the person on the other side became cleaner too.

Dear mirror, I may have shaped you. But you have helped me redefine myself - through the reflection that you continued to give me time and again.

Dear mirror, thank you for telling me what I am. Thank you for introducing me to myself - all over again.

Dear mirror, thank you for being this blog I love so much.


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