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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Professional Surnames

We all carry a surname - since our birth. I say I am 'Aaditya Joshi', it conveys a lot of things. Someone who knew my father/family/background would recognize the surname and know that I come from a well-cultured background.

The role that a surname plays in our personal life is same as the role that the names of college play in our professional lives.

The name of the educational institutions we are a part of is our 'professional surname'. It is an indicative of the upbringing we have received. And it has implications similar to our surnames.

A good reputation for the institution we belong to means a good reputation for our own self. Sadly, many of us spend time complaining and cribbing about the college/school we are a part of, failing to realize that it is very much a part of us. Very much our professional surname.

I think we should all respect and be proud of these professional surnames. They, very much like our surnames, are our identity.


  1. Absolutely....

    Cribling about one's own institutions and colleges just because of lack of sufficient infrastructure or the expected fun element from the same cannot make one deny the fact that it is the same "Institution" which is helping one pave the way to one's own bright,successful and comfortable future....!!!

    They form an indispensible part of our professional Identities....!!!

  2. lolz.. wrong analogy this time..
    ones surname and the name of his educational institute are not comparable.

    basically you get proud feeling for everything which is related to you.. hhaha.. self obsessed blogaditya joshi..

    no hard feelings
