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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Reading a book

Reading a book is different from watching a movie - though both are equally strong forms of creative expression. With books, you take pauses, think and go on. Books are often read over a longer period of time and hence, have a better scope to be absorbed.

I don't understand why a book is categorized as fiction or non-fiction. I mean, the line between fiction and reality is thin. A book comes from the writer's mind - all books are fictitious!! Just that when the content is closer to reality than fiction these books are categorized as latter.

Fiction or non-fiction, reading books is a journey. I remember giggling away throughout 'Five point someone' or breaking down in a crowded train as I read the last page of the 'Kite Runner'. I remember nodding of approval a hundred times as I turned the pages of 'The Power of one'.

A good book in one word has to be 'captivating' if not 'motivating'. But then, it's just the 'words-are-to-express-and-not-impress' difference between the two. You may want your words to do both - ditto for the book.

Good books can turn your life around - 'A thousand splendid suns' introduced me to a world of oppressed women who were not mute, but who did not know they were being oppressed at all; 'Many lives, many masters' answered several questions for me.

Reading books is the best way to utilize your literacy. The best way to put to use the alphabets you learnt several years ago.

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