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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Roadies - rivals come face-to-face!

I have been religiously following Roadies 5.0 on MTV. The show is about thirteen (I am bad with numbers, birthdates and vital stats. :p) cocky young men and women out on the roads - where each week, they vote out one among themselves.

A recent twist in the tale was when the voted-out contestants were brought back in and were given a chance to challenge one of the contestants still on the show. This was the time when a lot of ugly grudges came up and people were out to prove a point to one another!

The reality shows are hardly real - so things like these would more possibly than not, NOT happen with me. So what do we, the real people do?

We hold grudges - and hit back when we get a chance. Malign, tarnish the person's image. B%tch about the person. Call him/her names.

And more than that, we keep burning from within.
We keep hiding these ugly faces in our hearts. And the ugliness soon creeps onto our faces too.

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