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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Taxi Ride

I boarded a taxi at Matunga yesterday and headed towards Ghatkopar. The driver was a middle-aged man dressed in a white kurta. He was wearing a white Muslim cap and had grey stubble. As I got on, he greeted me ''Salaam sahab." I was surprised and returned the greeting with a Hello.

The taxi driver spoke urdu. And though I was certainly finding it difficult to understand the language, I did gather most of it. The taxi driver told me about imaan. About doing one's duties with one's might.

Any other person would've gotten bored in the situation. But I wasn't.

Because, these days, I have been confused about what my plan of action must be - academically and personally. The taxi driver went on and on talking about being true to oneself and how one needed to do just that. The taxi driver said something on the lines of, "Jo apna kartavya imaandaari se karta hai, use jannat naseeb hoti hai..."

Who was this taxi driver to me? Why was, then, he able to understand the confusion I was undergoing in my mind? And why were his words giving me the strength to arrive at a decision - a decision to be happier? Where was the connection?

I kept wondering...

In this case, this man was telling me a great deal of things - answers to the questions I was trying to find.

God has strange ways of showing you the path he wants you to take. And yes, Vishnu and Prophet Mohammad, both are the same...

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