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Aaditya and Me by Aditya Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


(Based on a Rajasthani folklore)

She was a Rajputani who had served the king since her childhood. Her name was Pannabai. Panna handled the affairs of the palace after the death of the queen. She also was raising the prince, Prince Uday who was of the same age as her son, Chandan.

Fate struck when the minister Banveer killed the king through a treachery. His next target was the last heir to the throne from the royal family - Uday.

Deepdan was a festival when everyone would light lamps and let them go in the river. There would be joy all over - dance, music and food. Luckily, during the dance at the palace, Banveer disclosed his intentions when drunk to the royal danseuse, Sona. Sona rushed to Pannabai and told her - since Banveer was on his way too.

Panna knew Banveer would come. He did. And attacked the sleeping prince with his sword. The prince in the bed bled profusely and died.

Banveer was about to leave the palace when Pannabai called out to him. She took him to the bed where lay a small boy dead and turned the boy to show Banveer his face. It was her son, Chandan. She had sent away Uday to a foreign land where he would be safe.

Panna had lived up to her blood. By giving up the boy made of her blood. She had sacrificed her motherhood for the province she belonged to. Panna had done her Deepdan... in a way only she could!

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